SwissPost Stamps

This year the SwissPost gave me the amazing opportunity to design the new Christmas stamps. It was an incredible journey to work with them and I am very grateful for it.

The stamps are inspired on SNOW CRYSTALS.  They are five different design, each one representing a winter scene.

To spread the Joy of Christmas and to spark magic, when approaching this project it was important for me that the imagery be warm, friendly and playful.

I used my own environment in the beautiful region of Vaud this winter to observed and get inspired by the snow crystals around me.

On my regular walks in the forest, I saw the Crystals blanketing the pine trees. I imagined deers, foxes, mice and bunnies running around, happily collecting snow crystals to decorate their own Christmas trees.

While in my cozy living room, enjoying my early morning first coffee, I saw the snow crystals decorating my frozen window. This strong contrast inspire me to use this image in the project.

In this holiday season I observed the warmly decorated houses in my neighbourhood while the snow crystals slowly fell from the sky covering the roofs.

I really hope you all love this stamps as much as I do.



Die Post – Swiss Post